Sunday 20 July 2014

MH17 - NOTAM dan DCA & MAS

Wan Malek shared a link.

"Liow juga menafikan tidak menukar laluan merentasi ruang udara Ukraine kerana mahu menjimatkan minyak.

Bagaimanapun, MAS hari ini mengumumkan menukar semua laluannya di Eropah ke laluan alternatif bagi mengelak ruang udara Ukraine selepas pesawat MH17 Boeing 777 terhempas di kawasan itu semalam. – 18 Julai, 2014."

Komen peribadi saya: baru nak tukar laluan selepas 295 orang mati?
  • Ahmad Tarmizi Md Nadzir Budaya di Malaysia, sudah terantuk baru nak terngadah. Pada hal negara lain seperti USA, Korea Selatan dan Australia dah 2,3 bulan tukar laluan. Begitu lah kisah nya, akan berulang dan berulang dan berulang.....
  • Pauziah Shaffie setuju ngan ATMN..."Budaya Malaysia..sudah terantuk baru terngadah" ......dalam kebanyakan hal.......
  • Fauzi Shaffie Kalau kita tidak tahu, jangan lah nak menghukum, nanti habis pahala yang kita nak kumpul dalam bulan Ramadhan ni. Sila baca apa rakan saya tulis dibawah ini. Kalau nak baca yang ini pun tak faham, tak payah lah memandai buat hukuman itu dan ini:

    Arian Adenan:
    16 hrs · Edited ·
    Im sick of reading all the "Malaysia Should Have", "MAS should never have" headlines here, be it from idiots who thinks they know better when they actually dont know anything at all, or even from the press, foreign and local, whom sometimes write total crap!
    MAS did everything a normal airline would, plan for a route in accordance to ICAO guidelines, in conformity with all Legalities, which complies with all safety standards and requirements. Stop blaming them you retards!
    NOTAM FDC 4/7667 (A0012/14) does prohibit aircrafts to overfly the area, but this only apply to FAA governed aircrafts, of which Malaysia is not. There are no NFZ or Active Danger Areas / Prohibited Area imposed in accordance to ICAO Annex 11 over the area MAS was flying over. Similar to MAS, other airlines did the same as no international regulation prohibits them from overflying the zone.
    If an airline has to plan a diverted route simply because they would be flying a crisis area, then ALL AIRLINES should not fly over Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan-India border, Sri Lanka, South Thailand, Myanmar, North Korea, African countries, Gulf of Eden, Timor Leste, Israel & Palestine, Egypt, Eastern Sabah, Inland China-Nepal borders, Liberia, Western Sahara, Coat d'Ivorie, Republic of Congo, Sudan and many more. Why? Because these are conflict zones, some are even deemed dangerous to the point which requires international battalions under UN charter to do 'peacekeeping', some are under sanctions for war violations, these are placea with rocket launchers, some have nuclear warheads, some are trigger happy and launch 100 missiles a day just to annoy their neighbouring country...the list goes on and on...
    So who decides then huh?? You? Smart netizens who sits and happily foul mouth the nation when something goes wrong? You the international press who cant even decide who is right and wrong in Gaza? You, anti-government geniuses who are always a sudden industry expert when the need to gain cheap popularity arises out of other people's grief?
    Look back at what i wrote above, some of you loud-mouth idiots dont even comprehend HALF of what i just mentioned and you want to regard yourself as a keyboard warrior, campaigning for the truth and righteousness?
    In your effort of doing just that, you have actually done nothing but show to your friends and family, how heartless, insensitive, self-righteous, selfish, shallow, immature and stupid you just are.
    Question: Why wont aircrafts fly over the King's Palace in Cambodia but will overfly a war area? Why won't aircrafts fly over our Istana Negara or Singapore's Air Base terminal area but would fly over areas with missiles and RPGs?? If u can answer that then probably you should know better than to speak crap,bl if u CANNOT answer that, then probably u should keep quiet because you dont even know what you are talking about.
    To everybody else, lets just stand in solidarity with MAS, with our government, with the people who had departed to kiev in ukraine, and especially, with the family of the victims. If u dont have heart to respect people, at least have heart to empathize.
    PS: for the kind information to all you ignorant idiots, MAS17 last coordinates were at N0481350 E385030, Please refer to FAA NOTAM FDC 4/7667 (A0012/14) DATED 23 APRIL 2014 and UK FIR NOTAM EGTT B1258/14 DATED 30 JUNE 2014, you will find that had u taken the effort to research before you talk, you would see that MAS 17 last coordinates were approximately 3 degrees NORTH of the Northernmost Boundary of the NOTAM designated lat-longs. They were no where in the area your 'press' clipings are quoting from. Idiots.
    Btw, in case u dont know, 1 degree of Lat is approximately 110km or 59.4 nm and 3 degrees is approximately 330 or 178nm, just short of the distance from Kuala Lumpur to Penang which is about 187nm. To those who cannot comprehend my point, MH17 was approximately 180 nautical miles or 330km OUTSIDE the designated prohibited zones, not inside, not over, not through, not ada la kena sikit.. Argue with me now. Please!
    Also, the FAA NOTAM was established based on the UKDV Simferopol NOTAM A1492/14 which designates certain areas as prohibited. firstly, this is not on reasons of risk to aircrafts from ballistics or rockets, but due to the tussle between ukraine who are the legal ATS providers for the area and Russia who was trying to unilaterally establish an ATS service in violation of ICAO Annex 2 and PANS-OPS DOC4444. The NOTAM was established to avoid confusion to aircrafts. Secondly, it only applies from FL260-FL320 and clearly states that all operations outside the designated areaa are considered normal. MH17, although was not within the designated areas, were also flying 1000ft above the upper limits of the NOTAM.
    Next, US FAA yesterday established a NEW NOTAM A1507/14 which extends this upper limit to UNL (UNLIMITED) as well as expanded the boundaries to cover the entire crimean peninsular effectively making UKRAINE an OFFICIAL AND LEGAL No Fly Zone. Question, if MH17 was already violating (they were not btw, kalau ada yg bebal lagi) airspace restrictions, why the sudden change by the US FAA making the entire airspace prohibited to FAA governed operations? FAA pun dah kena baru nak react ke?
    ps#2: NOTAMS stands for Notice to Airmen. Official notices or memos to airlines and pilots which are given out by local aviation authorities all over the world. it will signify any closures of airspace or airports, danger areas, temporary closures, military excercises, no fly zones, changes in frequencies, unservicable equipments etc etc. Routes are planned based on these and weather reports as well as other operational policies and requirements, all in accordance to ICAO Annexes 1 to 11.
    Note : post edited for more accurate last coordinate of MH17. Also edited for more BASHING POINTS to be inserted.
  • Fauzi Shaffie Ni kawan saya, junior satu tahun masa di sekolah dulu, pilot yang menerbangkan MH17 minggu sebelum kapalterbang MH17 ditembak jatuh dua hari lalu.

    " Sorry late reply, too distraught n too many text n whatapps to answer. To answer your question regarding Pilot tersasar. No we never tersasar, we are strictly required to fly the Approved, Designated Airways. It's so accurate any deviations is too tiny to measure ie 45feet Max. The route are used by almost every Airliners flying to n from Europe. Easily I could say 4 Aircrafts in formation with 2000ft separation followed by lateral 10mins separation at Mach 0.83 equals to 80miles apart. So you count that in 60mins time frame . WallahUA'lam
  • Fauzi Shaffie Ni satu lagi kupasan yang perlu dibaca:

    Wan Ahmad Fayhsal
    12 mins ·
    Laporan daripada tempat kejadian sudah keluar. Testimoni daripada penduduk setempat di tempat kejadian menceritakan dan menggambarkan saat-saat hujung berlakunya musibah tersebut yang mereka cerap menggunakan panca-indera melalui pendengaran, dan penglihatan yang terbatas kerana musibah berlaku pada waktu malam. Ya malam, saat di mana panca-indera manusia amat terbatas. (ruj:
    Kebanyakkan mangsa telah terjatuh ke radius sekitar 15km - satu jarak yang jauh daripada titik tengah bangkai pesawat yang terbesar. Digambarkan bahawa banyak mangsa ada yang terjatuh ke dalam rumah penduduk setempat, ladang sayur dan gandum. Banyak mangsa kelihatan hanya separuh berpakaian dan anggotanya patah-riuk tetapi badan masih sempurna, walaupun ada yang tercerai-berai anggotanya dan ada mangsa yang walaupun terjatuh daripada ketinggin tersebut tidak mengalirkan darah yang banyak.
    Hipotesis awal hasil analisa ke atas keadaan mangsa boleh dikatakan natijah daripada "depressurized cabin" bermakna letupan mungkin berlaku pada salah satu sudut badan kapal terbang dan mengakibatkan tekanan udara "menyedut keluar" mangsa sehingga terlerai dan terkoyak sesetengah pakaian. Dan itu juga mungkin mengakibatkan beberapa mangsa tercampak dan jatuh sekitar radius 15km.
    Ianya bukan satu letupan raksasa sehingga hancur luluh pesawat tetapi ianya "disintegrate pieces-by-pieces" (satu-persatu bercerai).
    Semua di atas ini adalah "circumstantial evidences" yang jelas. Pakar aeronatik dan senjata boleh "work backword" (unjur ke belakang) untuk cantumkan kepingan "puzzle" yang sekarang ini sangat berterabur dan tidak cukup.
    Kalau pada waktu malam, dan untuk hasilkan letupan sebegitu untuk altitude (ketinggian) yang sangat tinggi amat memerlukan kepakaran dan radar yang tepat. Persoalannya, mampukah apa yang didakwa media Barat dan pro-AS iaitu BUK Missile System melakukan kerja sebegitu? Apatah lagi oleh kumpulan pemisah yang tiada terlatih? Walaupun media pro-AS dan NATO mendakwa terdapat kemungkinan pegawai terlatih Rusia yang menjadi "double-agent" dalam kumpulan pemisah Donetsk.
    Kremlin (Rusia) melontarkan 10 soalan kepada Ukraine (ruj: yang kini di bawah pemerintahan regim pro-AS. Antara soalan yang dishakki ialah terdapat dua jet pejuang Ukraine yang mengiringi Boeing 777.
    Dan saksi dalam laporan di atas juga terdengar "buzzing sound" seperti ada pesawat yang baru melintas di malam yang gelap sebaik sahaja letupan berlaku di udara.
    Malaysia perlu diberikan laluan untuk menyiasat tempat kejadian tapi apakah kita akan diberikan laluan tersebut tanpa ada penyokong daripada negara yang lebih besar? Jawapannya amat-amat sukar melainkan kita punya kuasa diplomatik yang sangat kuat, yang mana kita TIDAK MEMILIKINYA buat masa ini.
    Remains of the bodies, crashed parts of the plane, still burning engines – that ... See More
  • Adling Ling Amat malang ramai rakyat kita cepat menunding jari pada sesuatu yg kita sendiri tidak ketahui,,, lebih lagi sepak terajang politik kuasa yg punya veto,,,,,,, ini nukilan ambo utk kita fikir bersamo DALAM SENDU RINTIH JIWA INI KACAU !!!!!Terkadang terfikir sendirian APAKAH TRAGEDI INI SUDAH DI RANCANG OLEH TANGAN YG MEMBUAT DARAH SBBAGAI BASUHAN? APAKAH TRAGEDI KEPILUAN INI DI ATUR UTK DIJADIKAN MALAYSIA SEBAGAI CATALYST UTK SESUATU HAJAT KOTOR PERMAINAN DARAH KUASA YG PUNYA VETOKita mesti gagah !!!!! Bangkit berlawan! !!!! KITA BERUSAHA UTK JUGA MENJADI SALAH SATU PEMEGANG KUASA YG PUNYA VETO TAPI JUJUR KATA TUTUR PUNYA JIWA KEMANUSIAAN
  • Mat Kamil Awang NOTAM dari FAA kpd semua kapal terbang kepunyaan USA.
  • Mat Kamil Awang sambungan - menunjukkan Ukraine dan Rusia masing2 mengeluarkan NOTAM yg bertentangan. Jadi ada perebutan pengawalan kawasan tersebut antara Ukraine dan Rusia. Jadi MAS sepatutnya peka nak ikut arahan Ukraine atau Rusia? Bila berlaku pertentangan begini maka lebih baik elak.
  • Ibnu Mahmood Risk management. Otherwise, the Murphy's 3rd Law will be applicable.
  • Mat Kamil Awang DCA dan MAS screw up.
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 1

    • Mat Kamil Awang Ambo baca dah komen yg tampal oleh Dr. Fauzi Shaffie mengenai komen dari kawan nya. Kesimpulan yg saya dapat buat adalah kawan kpd Dr. Fauzi tu seorang yang tak tahu strategi. Jika Ukraine keluarkan NOTAM untuk kawasan tersebut dan kemudian Rusia pulak kata NOTAM dari Ukraine tidak valid dan Rusia kata kawasan itu bawah jurisdiksi Rusia maka DCA dan MAS harus peka kpd isu2 sebegini. FAA telah mengeluarkan NOTAM untuk kapal terbang milik USA melarang terbang di kawasan tersebut disebabkan perebutan dan perselisihan NOTAM dikeluarkan oleh Rusia dan Ukraine, jadi mengapa DCA dan MAS tidak ambil langkah yang serupa? Memang benar NOTAM dari FAA adalah bukan untuk kapal terbang MAS tapi mengapa DCA tidak mengeluarkan NOTAM yang serupa untuk kapal terbang MAS? Adakah DCA TIDUR?
      3 hrs · Unlike · 1

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