Pengarah CASIS UTM (dulu beliau di ISTAC)
ialah agama bagi orang yg berfikiran sehat, bukan bagi yg bodoh, dungu
dan bebal. Apabila Nabi SAW mengatakan kejayaan dunia-akhirat bergantung
pd ilmu, Baginda tidak bermaksud kita harus makan ilmu jika lapar,
minum ilmu jika dahaga, dan mandi dgn ilmu jika badan kotor. Begitu juga
apabila sarjana muktabar mengatakan
jika aqidah ---yg merupakn inti Pandangan Alam atau worldview Islam---
rosak, semua ibadat dan amal perbuatan tidak mendapat pahala, ini tidak
bermakna kita tidak harus beribadat dan melakukan sebarang kebaikan
SEBELUM aqidah kita sempurna 100 persen. Apabila Aqidah dipentingkan
seperti sepatutnya, ini bukan bermakna kita harus membelakangkan
ekonomi, politik dan hal2 yg lain....
Puteri Kamaliah translated:
Islam is a religion for those with a healthy mind; it's not for idiots and morons, and the foolish. When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said success in this world and the Hereafter hinges on knowledge, he had not meant the physical aspect of gaining knowledge - partaking food and drink when one is hungry or thirsty, or bathing when the body is unclean. Similarly, when the learned in Islam presume one's 'aqidah' is flawed, it doesn't mean our good deeds go unrewarded and that we shouldn't even attempt doing good until our 'aqidah' is perfect. Prioritising 'aqidah' doesn't mean we should pay lesser attention to economic, political and other matters of relevance..
Islam is a religion for those with a healthy mind; it's not for idiots and morons, and the foolish. When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said success in this world and the Hereafter hinges on knowledge, he had not meant the physical aspect of gaining knowledge - partaking food and drink when one is hungry or thirsty, or bathing when the body is unclean. Similarly, when the learned in Islam presume one's 'aqidah' is flawed, it doesn't mean our good deeds go unrewarded and that we shouldn't even attempt doing good until our 'aqidah' is perfect. Prioritising 'aqidah' doesn't mean we should pay lesser attention to economic, political and other matters of relevance..
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